While in Seattle staying at the Hyatt, there was a bookmark on our nightstand telling about 826 Seattle, a nonprofit writing and tutoring center located in the back of a store, The Greenwood Space Travel Co.
The list of workshops offered is definitely even a reluctant writer's dream: National Novel Writing Month, Music Inspiration, Open Studio, to name a few. Looking further, in-school workshops and field trips are also listed amongst the offerings.
Drooling at all of the class choices, I was disappointed to learn the closest 826 to me is located in Chicago, a five-hour trek. Ugh!
When I returned home, I started paging through my latest Barnes and Noble buy, Don't Forget to Write for the Secondary Grades. Comprised of motivational ideas for writing workshops, I found the ideas could easily be translated into the college classroom. Come to find out, this writing resource is an 826 National publication. Kismet!